
2019 iT 邦幫忙鐵人賽

DAY 27

Experience of a backend novice系列 第 27


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Day twenty seven
Don't panic when there is a conflict. Just solve it.

Hello everyone. It's Ray.

Did you sleep soundly last night? It seems that it's turning cold. A bit cold in the morning, and a bit hot at noon. So difficult to pick a right cloth.

Take care!

Today I'm going to share 'conflict'

When we use git merge to merge two branches, git has its own way to determine whether there is a conflict.

Basically, if you add a new description in a file on A branch, and add a new description in the same file on B branch. In this case, basically it's not so ambiguous, so git doesn't need to decide what it should add and what it should delete, and therefore a conflict may not occur even though it triggers a three-way merge.
基本上,如果你在A分支上的一個檔案新增一行,在B分支上的一個檔案刪掉一行,前提是這兩個分支上都分別有這兩個檔案,在這樣的情況下,基本上因為比較沒有模糊地帶,就是在合併的時候,git不需要去判斷這一行該刪去還是新增。 所以基本上在這樣的情況之下,就算是三路合併(three-way merge),也不會有衝突產生。

In another case, when two branches possess a common file, and we revise the same line on this file on both branches(maybe it doesn't require the same line, however, git has its own way to decide whether there is a confict, in my general rule of thumb, it's very possible to trigger confict when we revise two lines that are very close to each other), and in this case when we try to merge them, git will confuse which branch should be taken as the file version for the new commit. In this case, we need to manually keep what we want and remove what we don't want.

Per the progress yesterday, git should probably look like image below:

Currently we know the file 'fileOnlyExistingInMeatBranch.html' are possessed by both vegetable branch and meat branch.
目前可以知道,'fileOnlyExistingInMeatBranch.html'這個檔案同時存在於vegetable branch以及meat branch,且有著相同的內容。

Now we are going to add a new description "it's a description only existing in vegetable branch", and add another description "a description only existing in meat branch", and then merge two branches. In my general rule of thumb, a confict would occur.
現在我們將在vegetable branch上的這個檔案新增一行敘述"it's a description only existing in vegetable branch", 然後再meat branch 的這個檔案裡頭新增一行敘述"a description only existing in meat branch",再來我們合併兩個分支,未看先猜,會有衝突產生。


  • let's add a description <p> it's a description only existing in vegetable branch in the file 'fileOnlyExistingInMeatBranch' in vegetable branch.
  • git commit -am 'a description only existing in vegetable branch'
  • git checkout meat branch
  • let's add a description <p>a description only existing in meat branch in the file 'fileOnlyExistingInMeatBranch' in meat branch.
  • git commit -am 'a description only existing in meat branch'
  • git merge vegetable
  • git status


  • 新增敘述在'vegetable branch'上的'fileOnlyExistingInMeatBrahch'裡,敘述為<p> it's a description only existing in vegetable branch</p>
  • git commit -am 'a description only existing in vegetable branch'
  • git checkout meat branch
  • 新增敘述在'meat branch'上的'fileOnlyExistingInMeatBranch'裡,敘述為<p> a description only existing in meat branch</p>
  • git commit -am 'a description only existing in meat branch'
  • git merge vegetable
  • git status

As what we guessed, a conflict would occur as follows:

The file highlighted in green 'fileOnlyExistingInVegetableBranch' didn't exist in meat branch, so it shows that once the commit succeeds, this file would be added in newly produced commit.
綠色的新檔案'fileOnlyExistingInVegetableBranch'原本就不存在於meat branch,所以這邊提示如果merge成功此檔案將會被列入commit。

As what we guessed, there is a conflict in the file 'fileOnlyExistingInMeatBranch.html', and as highlighted in red, both branch have modified this file.

So far, our git should look like image below:

Through the image above we could see that both branches revised the file 'fileOnlyExistingInMeatBranch', so a conflict occurred. Let's go into this file and take a look:

In the file causing conflict, git shows the origin of conflicts for us with =====. Those above ===== represents HEAD, which is pointing to meat branch. Those below ====== represents vegetable branch.
在發生衝突的檔案中,git為我們列出了衝突的來源,以======做區隔,以上的為HEAD,代表目前HEAD所指向的meat branch,以下的為vegetable branch.

Now let's keep whatever we want and delete the rest. I personally prefer meat, so let's remove vegetable.

We only keep teh description on meat branch as image above:
我們只留下meat branch上的那行敘述,如上圖。

git add fileOnlyExistingInMeatBranch
git merge --continue
git log --oneline

As image below, the merge has completed.

And then we go into 'fileOnlyExistingInMeatBranch' to take a look as follows:

In the commit that git created for merging two branches, the content is exactly what we manually revised and kept when solving conflict. Until now, we've fix the conflict and complete the merge.

It's turning cold lately. Bundle up guys!

See you tomorrow.

Git merge,三路合併的概念
操縱歷史的魔術師- git rebase
Experience of a backend novice30
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